In the digital trade era of technological advancement and innovation, international trade has greatly benefitted from the development and integration of various electronic interfaces. Growing digital trade activities, e-commerce and artificial intelligence (AI) boosts the free flow of information and increase transparency while improving the efficiency of day-to-day trade processes. The digital economy appears to be a determining factor in innovation. African trade are showing the transformative potential associated with new technologies. Africa is likely to benefit from digital trade in future due to technological advancement. For small businesses in particular, digital platforms have provided unprecedented opportunity to go global. Trade rules as reflected in AfCFTA and Bilateral Agreements can play role in supporting development of e-commerce and use of artificial intelligence in trade in Africa. Pan- African free trade which came to effect into 1st January 2021 will be dri...
Blog: Purposely, created by an Economist and Trade Expert to make empirical analysis and discussion on different economic matters affecting Tanzania, Africa and the World in general. Angela Mpema has Master of Science in International Trade Policy and Trade Law, and She holds Bachelor degree in Economics.